
Employer Sponsored Visa

We offer professional services to employees who are seeking employers and their sponsorship to get an opportunity to work in Australia. There are few types of Employer Sponsored Visa which includes Nomination Visa, Occupational Trainee Visa and Temporary Skill Shortage Visa. Employer Sponsored Visa is not fit for everyone in the same way. There a numerous points and subclass that you need to understand to choose the best visa that fits you. Otherwise chances of rejection of your application are high. FLYWORLD assist you in identifying the suitable visa that fits your skills and take you through the entire process to ensure you are doing it right.

Like all other visas, this one also checks your health and English competency. Some occupation requires you to pass skill assessment where some require your experience certificate. Here employee and employer both need to undergo assessments. The company that is willing to sponsor you should prove genuinity. Subsequently, the employee profile will be assessed.

Visa Subclasses

Employer Nomination Visa (Sub Class 186)

Permanent Residence under Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS): This visa allows Australian employers to fill highly skilled positions with foreign workers on a permanent basis, if the employer cannot fill the position from the Australian labour market or through the company’s training programs.

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Occupational Trainee Visa (Sub Class 407)

This visa allows an overseas employee to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for their job in the area of study. The visa can be used for applicant's professional development. An Occupational Trainee is either a professional person who wishes to obtain further training and experience in their field in Australia and/or improve their work skills through training with an Australian employer,

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Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Sub Class 482)

This visa allows Australian employer to sponsor overseas workers to fill in position within the company. Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) or “TSS visa” is a work visa which allows Australian employers to sponsor a person from overseas to work in their business in Australia. If you have the skills to fill a job position with an Australia employer who is looking to recruit you then you may be eligible for the TSS visa.

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